Civil organizations at Campus Festival


Campus Festival is not only about concerts and parties. Among many programs, civil and other organizations also represent themselves.

The Hungarian police are attending the festival for the 4th time. They want to access the young drivers by forming their mentality towards responsible driving. Among others, they have special „drunk glasses” – a pair of glasses that makes your sight distorted as if you were drunk. They also have tests on the Hungarian rules of the road – anyone can try to fill them to refresh or broaden his knowledge about the traffic rules. The police take care about the bikes and bikers, too. At the biker storage place, they inspect the bikes and take a note if something is missing from the compulsory equipment.
The HAHA Egyesület (Association for Students and Civilians of Hajdú-Bihar County) is now a civil service center. They have been dealing with accident prevention from 2008, after they met a Belgian youth civil group. They have become the part of an EU accident prevention program. They are in touch with the police and organize accident prevention programs throughout the year.
There is a tent for Magyar Ökumenikus Segélyszolgálat (Hungarian Interchurch Aid/HIA). Imre Enyedi told us about their work done by volunteers. Their aim at the festival is to prevent accidents and other harmful events. They have probes to measure the alcohol level in one’s blood and they are cooperating with the associations of medical students: they also have drug tests and a chilling place to get sober and have a rest. Doctors and future doctors patrol at the area of the festival gathering the people "knocked out" by alcohol and take care of them.
As Captain Rudolf Patakvölgyi reported, fewer and fewer accidents happen in Hajdú-Bihar County. He highlighted that the responsible entertainment is the most important in such a festival. Everyone is awaited back home healthy and intact. There has not been any serious accident related to Campus Festival and they hope it remains so.