Snowy owl adopted by the Tribunal of Debrecen

Local News

The Debrecen Zoo’s animal adoption scheme is increasingly popular with companies, nonprofit organizations and public institutions alike as it is both symbolic and concrete, contributing to the nutrition or enclosure development budget of the chosen animal.

Today the zoo welcomed the staff of the Tribunal of Debrecen among our Zoo’s foster parents, following their internal fundraising to adopt one of the two snowy owl brothers acquired last February.

Besides the fact that owls traditionally symbolize wisdom and insight in Western culture, Tribunal employees specifically chose a snowy owl in order to make a direct contribution to the professional husbandry of the species and to raise awareness of the dramatic effects of climate change and the importance of conservation efforts – since snowy owls had their IUCN Red List status upgraded to Vulnerable in 2017 in light of a 30 percent reduction in numbers due to massive habitat transformation over just three generations.

Tribunal employees have also held a name vote, won ultimately by “Hópihe” (which translates to “Snowflake”). As the adoption ceremony took place on Saint Nicholas’ Day, Hópihe was given a gift by his new foster parents.
Please note that you can also gift animal adoptions to your friends and family, making both them and the animal in question very happy. For further information on adoptions, please contact


Debrecen Zoo and Amusement Park

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