The Renovation of Csokonai Theatre Began


The renovation of the 155-year-old Csokonai Theatre has begun. The investment costs net 9.6 billion HUF, and is expected to be completed by 2023. By then, with Latinovits Theatre accomplished, the two local theatres together will be able to host even as many as 1,200 spectators at one time.

Long-awaited work has been launched in Debrecen: the renovation of Csokonai Theatre has begun. Mayor László Papp talked about it in the institution on 29 September 2020. The event was also attended by Balázs Orbán, Deputy Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office, as well as Péter Fülöp, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Human Capacities, and László Pósán, Member of Parliament representing FIDESZ-KDNP.

This day is the starting date for the most significant cultural development of the country excluding the capital! – pointed out the mayor of Debrecen. As he said, nobody had touched the building for thirty years, and it had become ripe for renovation in every way. The Government granted 6.3 billion HUF for this purpose earlier within the Modern Cities Programme. The investment costs 9.6 billion HUF, and the Debrecen 2030 Programme provides further resources amounting to 2.5 billion HUF. The Mayor emphasised: „the theatre will renew in every respect, but its character as a historical building will be preserved”. He added that the completion of the Latinovits and Csokonai Theatres by 2023 would enhance the regional role of Debrecen.


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