Frequently asked questions by freshmen students

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Which is the best grocery in Debrecen?

The best shops for daily shopping are Lidl and Aldi. Penny, Spar, Interspar, Auchan, Tesco, Coop can have good offers too. There are smaller shops, some of them are open 7/24. Same for petrol stations where you can find the Spar and Tesco opening hours.

Where can I buy small house items?

If you need plastic stuff, liquid etc. then Goods Market, Best or Eco family is a good choice.

Where can I buy vegetables?

Aldi and Lidl are the best for vegetables. You can also check the Nagypiac on Vár utca and the market in Malompark, next to Interspar, where you can buy directly from the farmers. There are small markets in different districts of Debrecen, too.

Where can I buy cheap spices?

Aldi, Penny. There is a Middle East shop at 59. Péterfia, 6. Csapó utca, 52. Egyetem sugárút and another next to Penny in Párizsi Udvar. They might sell other different spices, too.

For spicy food you can try Kashmir Restaurant on Thaly Kálmán utca next to the tramline and Govinda Restaurant on Kassai út, close to Kassai Campus and the Engineering Faculty.

What about clothes?

If you need clothes, then look for a Turi/Turkáló.  Those shops sell second-hand clothes, sometimes some of them are brand new.

What about shoes?

Yes, Háda is the largest second-hand shop. They can be found in Pláza and Malompark, too. They have clothes and they sell some shoes, too. H&M, C&A, Zara have promotions with shoes. They are in Fórum and Shop Stop next to Metro.

Where can I get a bicycle?

There is a second-hand shop on Árpád tér and at 16. Bem tér, too. They bring the bikes mostly from the Netherlands. You can get one for 10-15k. The trams and buses can take you to several places, but by a bike you can go wherever you want.

What about jobs?

If your don’t have too many classes then you can work a lot 🙂 Companies prefer those graduated students who have work experience. Just register at

Companies like IT, BT, NI, Transcosmos are hiring international students, too.


Good luck in Debrecen!

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