Debrecen International Airport will be closed for a week

Local News

Traffic has increased in the past few weeks, and as a result, there have been more pavement defects in the active operational area of ​​the airport, so October 3–9. due to urgent renovations, the Debrecen International Airport will be completely closed.
This was announced by János Vajda, the managing director of Debrecen International Airport, to the portal, adding that the increase in traffic was caused by the presence of aircraft that had increased in the meantime – military aircraft, humanitarian shipments, cargo – so the condition of the runways deteriorated faster.

Of course, we have already informed the airlines and the stakeholders about this in time

he informed the newspaper. In connection with the renovation of approximately 20,000 square meters, a public procurement tender has already been concluded, and a contract has been concluded.

The works affect the runway, and taxiways A and B after errors occurred that would endanger the safety of the flight, so the original repair program must be modified and the airport will be completely closed from October 3 to 9.

Of course, the airport plans the repair and maintenance works every year, in proportion to the expected traffic, but now, as a result of the war in Ukraine, the number of landing planes has tripled. The justification for the contract amendment states that after the outbreak of the war, a government decision was made that the Debrecen International Airport is part of the humanitarian corridor, so as a result, the airport became “noisier”.

Here, we are talking about machines with a higher take-off weight, with more frequent arrivals and take-offs, but at the same time, the engine gas jet of the fighter jets also erodes the track. During the construction works, damaged edges, breaks, and surface damage of the concrete slabs are repaired, gaps are filled, defective parts are removed, some concrete slabs are completely or partially replaced, and the drainage system is maintained. The planned repairs will be completed by the end of the year, János Vajda added.



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