Debrecen Drive: University knowledge for sustainable mobility


Representatives of the best-known vehicle industry companies, the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the University of Debrecen held presentations at the professional forum organized in connection with the country’s largest vehicle industry parade, Debrecen Drive, at the Nagyerdei Stadium on Friday, writes

The conference, which focused on sustainable and accident-free mobility, provided an excellent opportunity for industry players, vocational training, and students interested in the field to exchange ideas.

It is very important that the vehicle industry companies of the region cooperate with science and education to create opportunities for the future generation. Due to the regional features and the activities of the vehicle industry companies settling in the city, the University of Debrecen has primacy in the region in terms of technical, IT, economic and environmental training related to sustainable mobility. This is a huge opportunity for young people, since here they can obtain a marketable diploma that will determine the value of their workforce far and wide, and the companies operating here can access highly qualified specialists

– stressed György Kossa, chairman of the board of trustees of the István Count Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen, in his opening speech.

At the event, the vice chancellor for sector development responsible for the establishment of the institution’s mobility and vehicle industry training center drew attention to the rapid, almost unpredictable changes in vehicle industry trends. Piroska Ailer emphasized that engineers and the educational institutions that train them must constantly follow the challenges of the times, for which professional conferences like this always provide an important foundation and knowledge.

In addition to sustainability, domestic traffic safety was also discussed in the presentation of the deputy state secretary responsible for transport strategy. Lóránd Bói said: the number of road accidents shows an improving trend since 2019. The majority of accidents still occur with passenger cars, mainly due to speeding. With the Road Traffic Safety Action Program announced this year, which lasts until 2025, they want to achieve even better results compared to previous years.

The Secretary of State spoke in detail about the Green Bus Program, thanks to which almost 200 green buses now ply the roads, but 95 percent of the total number are still traditional diesel vehicles. Lóránd Bói also addressed the issue of regulation of micro mobility.

In the past period, we reviewed the international regulations related to electric scooters and similar vehicles, which are extremely diverse. We know how urgent it is to regulate the traffic of such vehicles, which is why we have already prepared a plan in which we recommend that we apply the rules applicable to bicycles for devices capable of speeds lower than 25 km/h, and for vehicles faster than that, to the auxiliary engine

– concluded the state secretary.

At the conference, Lajos Kósa, the chairman of the National Defense and Law Enforcement Committee of the Parliament, covered this issue in his presentation. After the politician, the leaders of the region’s largest vehicle industry companies and the dean of the Technical Faculty of DE spoke about their experiences and aspirations at the professional forum held on the subject.

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