Summary for 9 December


The police caught eleven people and took another twenty-one to various police stations in Hajdú-Bihar County yesterday.

Ten perpetrators were caught in the act of committing crimes and one was taken into custody on the basis of a warrant for arrest issued by the court of Debrecen. Eight people were taken to police stations as suspects.

There were five traffic accidents from which two resulted in serious injuries and three in minor ones.

A 39 year old woman was taken to the police stations yesterday morning and a procedure was initiated against her on reasonable suspicion of forgery.

A woman called the police yesterday evening that she was assaulted by four other people. The perpetrators, László B., 37, László B., 63, János B., 23 and Mária B., 41, were taken to the police station of Hajdúböszörmény and procedures were initiated against them on reasonable suspicion of assault.


Hajdú-Bihar Central Police Station


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