Three wishes, two performances in one day at oDEon

Culture University

The oDEon Theatre Company celebrated the Day of Hungarian Culture with a double performance. Following the tremendous success of the family musical Aladdin, the actors are now preparing for the premiere of another audience favorite, The Jungle Book.

On Wednesday, January 22, the oDEon Theatre Company transported the audience to the enchanting East twice in one day at the University of Debrecen’s Böszörményi Campus. This gesture was a tribute to the creation of Hungary’s national anthem, the Himnusz.

  • “The Day of Hungarian Culture is also a celebration for the theater. And since the theater primarily exists and creates for families every single day, we decided to stage a musical on this special day that can be enjoyed by every member of the family, from ages 3 to 99,” emphasized Veronika Végh, director of the oDEon University Theatre.

The Aladdin production debuted at the university theater in September, and following yesterday’s double success, it will have its final performance of the season today. Meanwhile, the company is already hard at work preparing for one of Hungary’s most beloved musicals, The Jungle Book.

László Dés, Péter Geszti, and Pál Békés’ unforgettable masterpiece will premiere at oDEon on March 1.

Further dates and tickets are available at


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