New majors offered by the University of Debrecen


Twelve new programs were added to the University of Debrecen’s admissions guide. Most of these newly available courses will be launched in September at the university’s new campus in Siófok. Applicants have until February 15 to submit their applications for the University of Debrecen’s programs.

The online admissions guide for all programs starting in September was published at the end of December, featuring seven new master’s programs. On January 31, the supplement to the guide was made available, introducing additional new courses. With this, the University of Debrecen continues to offer one of the most extensive ranges of educational programs in Hungary for prospective students.

For the 2025 general admissions cycle, the University of Debrecen offers 73 undergraduate programs, nearly 100 master’s programs, six undivided programs, 50 teacher training courses, 101 specialized postgraduate programs, 43 dual programs, seven higher education vocational training programs, and 14 English-taught courses across 13 faculties and 13 fields of study. Additionally, 24 doctoral schools, 74 doctoral programs, and Hungary’s largest healthcare network also operate within the university.

The admissions guide supplement published on January 31 contains essential information for applicants, including updates on admissions regulations, requirements, and key deadlines. It includes any changes made after the original release, which may impact previously planned application strategies. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that applicants review the updated information before submitting their applications.

Based on the extended guide, six faculties are offering new programs not listed in the December guide. Most of these will be launched at the new Siófok campus starting in September.

The Faculty of Health Sciences announced the launch of the Nursing and Patient Care undergraduate program with a nursing specialization and the Infection Control master’s program, available in both state-funded and self-financed forms. The Faculty of Economics made available the Economic and Rural Development Agricultural Engineering, Recreation and Lifestyle, and Tourism and Hospitality undergraduate programs, as well as the Health Manager master’s program.

The Faculty of Child Education and Special Education introduced Romology and Kindergarten Teacher undergraduate programs (including a specialization in minority kindergarten teaching), while the Faculty of Pharmacy included the Pharmaceutical Development Research Management master’s program. The Faculty of Informatics now offers a Data Science master’s program and a Computer Science undergraduate program.

The Faculty of Humanities also announced a new Spanish specialization within its Romance Languages and Cultures undergraduate program, which will be launched in Debrecen.

Applicants can be admitted to the highest-ranked program on their list for which their score meets or exceeds the set cutoff points. The previous cutoff points for selected programs are available on the platform under the “Cutoff Points and Statistics” section.

The Educational Authority will issue an admission decision for each applicant, and the university will send an official admission letter detailing the time and place for enrollment. Click here for information about the programs and cutoff points offered by the University of Debrecen faculties.

Prospective students must decide by February 15 which higher education institution they wish to attend starting in September 2025. Applications for the chosen programs can be submitted via through the e-application system.

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