Debrecen is the second-largest city in Hungary. Its most famous nickname is „Calvinist Rome”. The city has a vast historical background, which can be seen by exploring the downtown.
Join us to be amused by the architecture and to get familiar with the city.
But this time you will explore the city with our online guide.
There will be 7 places we want you to discover with the help of our shared Google Maps ( ). Whenever you visit one of the sights take a picture and send it to or message directly our Instagram profile @esn_debrecen. Don’t forget to be creative since the three most interesting works will be awarded.
The winner pictures will be posted on our Facebook and Instagram pages and get useful gift packages which include an ESN Debrecen tote bag, a notebook, a thermo mug, a pen, a bamboo toothbrush, and a vegan, cruelty-free toothpaste.
ESN Debrecen Team