After the summer drought, internal water is now causing problems in Hajdú-Bihar county

Local News

The National Water Directorate General has ordered first-level inland water protection preparedness in ten sections. The MTI photos show that the situation is not rosy at Kaba, among others.

Considerable moisture has accumulated in the soil.

After the dry weather of the previous period of the year, significant moisture has now accumulated in the soil, the National Meteorological Service announced on Thursday.

In their weekly agrometeorological analysis, they wrote that the weather of the past week was about a large amount of precipitation, almost nationwide, while the first snow of the year also arrived in many places. This time, the Great Plain received the most precipitation, where the deeper soil layers have been dry since the summer of 2021.

They also announced: the 30- and 90-day precipitation totals in most parts of the country show a surplus compared to the long-term average, and there is still a significant deficit in the northwest.

The upper half-meter layer of the soil is saturated, except in the Sopron area. A lot of the heavy rainfall also reached the deeper soil layers, the seepage is still taking place, and there is still a lack of moisture in this layer in the Great Plain and the Little Plain, they wrote.

According to the analysis, the autumn crops are typically in good condition, the soil is filling up well, and it is soaking deeper and deeper.

“We are doing much better now” than at this time last year, which is encouraging for next year’s crop

– they wrote. They added: due to the difficult infiltration, internal water stains appear on the boards affected by the ploughshare disease.

The inland water situation may worsen this week, as the meteorology predicts unusually warm weather for Christmas:

Will we have a white Christmas?

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