Graduation ceremony at the Faculty of Humanities 


Full-time and correspondence students in undergraduate, master’s, and teacher training, as well as in-service training, were able to receive their diplomas at the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Debrecen on Friday. The awards of the faculty were also presented at the ceremony held in the Courtyard of the Main Building.

The number of graduates exceeded 650, so the faculty organized two ceremonies. At the morning event, the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen within the framework of BA undergraduate 310, full-time and correspondence – andragogy, English, Germanic-Dutch, Germanic-German, informatics librarian, communication and media studies, community organization, Hungarian, pedagogy, political science, psychology, Romanesque-Italian, liberal arts, Slavic-Russian, social work, sociology, history, neo-Latin-French, and neo-Latin-Italian – a successful graduate.

In the second event, 78 teachers of English language and culture, teachers of Hungarian language and culture, teacher of history and citizenship, biology teacher, ethics, geography teacher, Dutch teacher, folklore teacher, librarian teacher, teacher of community culture, Russian language and culture teacher, math teacher, graduated in pairs. In the master’s program, 102 candidates met the qualification requirements in full-time and 32 in correspondence, American studies, andragogy, English, aesthetics, philosophy, Finno-Ugric studies, translation and interpreting, communication and media studies, cultural mediation, German language, literature and culture, ethnography , Psychology, Social Policy, Sociology, History Masters.

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