A newborn baby girl was found in the baby rescue incubator at the Bács-Kiskun County Hospital early Monday morning, the hospital announced via social media. The staff on duty at the children’s department gave her the name Abigél Kecskeméti. Based on the first tests, the little girl is healthy, 1950 grams and 44 cm. The little one still needs a thorough examination and the necessary care and vaccinations – they wrote.
Newborns can be placed anonymously and safely in the infant rescue incubator located at the headquarters of the Bács-Kiskun County Hospital in Kecskemét, Nyíri road. The built-in system automatically – but with a delay – notifies the hospital staff if someone places a baby in it. This delay allows anonymity for the person placing the child. The alarm was detected by the security service on Monday, as was written, and the staff on duty at the children’s ward were then notified, who went to get the child with the help of a portable incubator.
According to the hospital’s information, she is the sixth baby who was left anonymously in the Kecskemét incubator “in the past period”. Recently, an increasing number of babies remain in the newborn wards of hospitals who were not taken home by their parents or relatives. Back in September, the Ministry of the Interior explained to Népszava that, taking into account the data of the previous three months, the number of abandoned babies who are in hospital can be between 280 and 300.
State Secretary of the Interior Bence Rétvári announced in November that the bill passed in the summer made it easier to adopt babies left in hospital. Based on this, according to the statement of the state secretary, 31 children left in the hospital were declared adoptable by September 30th, and the adoption procedure of 7 children was completed by October 24th.