Working together for the engineers of the future


The aim of the University of Debrecen’s project was to promote MTMI, ie mathematics, science, engineering, and informatics, and to increase the number of applicants for training. Launched in 2017, the program has placed a strong emphasis on career guidance events for high school students, professional circles, open days, and the development of several online curricula. Three faculties of the university took part in the approximately 800 million forint project.

In recent years, the University of Debrecen has paid special attention to the development of technical-IT training and research areas. There is a growing demand from the companies settling in the city for the appropriate technical training and R&D background, therefore the institution is developing the fields of mathematics, science, technology, and informatics, ie MTMI, along with a separate strategy. DE also appears in the region’s ecosystem as a source of research development and innovation for industrial companies through the supply of professionals and the use of the university’s knowledge base. That is why it is very important to ensure an adequate supply of students in the case of the MTMI courses implemented by the University of Debrecen in the framework of the project.

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